In my twenties, I was very much a Type A, capital-S Striver. Everything was goals and plans and accomplishments. I have always loved books and stories and reading but let me tell you, for a while there I had a very unhealthy kind of Type A relationship with GoodReads. "You mean I can get likes and kudos and gold stars by PUBLICLY TALLYING the books I read and broadcasting them as ACCOMPLISHMENTS?? Say no more."
Eventually, though, that gets old. I still loved to read but I realized that there were times I was forcing myself to read and sometimes finish books just to watch my yearly count go up, and not because I was always enjoying it. Then came the thirties, and with them, permission to read when I felt like it and just sit on the couch and watch TV or scroll the internet if I didn't. Part of me felt so scandalized. "You can do this? It's allowed??" Something about it felt so wrong and lazy and I 100% embraced it.
And then (thank GOD) came the forties, and with it, The Great Panini (boo, no thanks). No one felt like doing anything they didn't absolutely have to. We as a society were constantly reassuring each other that we were going through a collective slow-motion trauma together, your job is to survive right now, no really, if ever there were a time it was completely acceptable to not improve oneself and do literally whatever you have to to avoid crippling depression and/or anxiety, it is now.