Thursday, October 27, 2022

May 2022 Reads! (Go ahead, laugh if you want)

Hey, only four more months of books to go before I'm caught up! Progress, people!

May was a busy reading month 'round these parts, let's get right to it:

In case you missed it:

(28) Friend Request by Laura Marshall (2017, 385 pages) (psychological thriller). Audiobook. Louise just got a friend request. Except it's from Maria Weston, a high school friend (sort of?) who died under mysterious circumstances. Whoever is behind long-dead Maria's social media account is threatening to expose Louise's most dangerous and horrific secret, the one terrible night all those years ago that changed everything. And Louise will do anything--anything--to keep that from happening. A reasonably entertaining crime thriller, not bad, not life-changing.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Declaring Blog Post Draft Bankruptcy

Hello friends! Long time no post!

One of the reasons I stopped blogging in Fall of 2019 was because I was REALLY GOOD at starting new blog posts and also REALLY BAD at finishing them & getting them up. Turns out, the more things change, the more they they stay the same, sigh.

But also a lot has happened since my last post, sooooo in the interest of trying to not completely disappear into the void again, I'm going to try to just post *some* kind of update, even if it is short and incomplete. So here ya go, a lightening recap of the last, oh, six weeks or so: