Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Half Decent Week

On a scale of 'hot mess' to 'some reason for hope', the pendulum swung back towards hope this week on the running front. I ran more than zero miles (weeeeee!!), including a double-digit run and a not-too-shabby race. Yes, I'm still having some trouble with my feet (plantar fascittis in the left, Achilles tendonitis in the right), but right now it's tolerable, so, well, there you go. I'm not sure what will happen as I start to try to do speed work & stuff again, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

This weekend our Alliterative Dinner Club did our long-awaited x dinner. I made dessert, which was x-presso & xocolatl pot de creme with whipped xylocarp (coconut) cream. It did not suck.

We also made x-rated x-mas cookies, which I am too classy to post here. Use your imagination. But here is a non-x-rated one that's kind of cute.

~*~*~ Fall '18 Speedfest: Week 15 of 18 ~*~*~

Grant Total: 27.75

    * 23 easy
    * 1.65 speed/threshold
    * 3.1 race

Monday 11/19: 2 miles easy, 2 x 800m @ 7:08 pace = 3.15 total

    Mondays are usually rest days, but I was just starting to get over being sick and had barely been running before that & wanted to do something short & quick just to see how my legs felt, particularly the PF in my left foot which has been a hot mess. However, this was still in the middle of all the awful smoke & terrible air in SF, so I had to do it on the gym treadmill. It felt good, even the two fast 800s, so that was encouraging.

Tuesday 11/20: 6 easy + 1 @ 7:30 pace = 7 total

    Also on the gym treadmill. I was actually surprised that this felt as good as it did.

Wednesday 11/21: 2 easy.

    Finally, RAIN! I woke up at 6am to the sounds of a downpour which was music to my ears. By the afternoon the air was clean and the sky was blue again, so I did my pre-Turkey shakeout run outside and it was glorious.

Thursday 11/22: 2 warm up + 3.1 race

Friday 11/23: Rest

Saturday 11/24: Rest

Sunday 11/25: 10 easy

    This run was mostly pretty good (& the farthest I've gone in a while). The only bad thing was that I think I probably should have worn more supportive shoes. I like my Altras (in spite of how hideous they are) but 10 miles is probably a bit too far for me to go in them right now, especially with the foot problems I've been having.

The last thing I have on the calendar for 2018 is Silicon Valley Santa Run ~3 weeks from now. It would be awesome to beat my Oakland Turkey Trot time of 21:46 & keep improving my speed, but we'll see what the day brings.

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